Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Concentrated Marijuana in Los Angeles is Legal

Back in 2013, Sean Patrick Mulcrevy of Cameron Park was charged with unlawful possession of concentrated cannabis, a misdemeanor. Recently, a state appellate court in Sacramento ruled that concentrated marijuana in Los Angeles qualifies as marijuana fit for medical use, thereby acquitting Mr. Mulcrevy of the charges.

According to the judge, California’s Compassionate Use Act (CUA) does not apply to concentrated cannabis for medical use because the state’s Health & Safety Code defines it as “the separated resin…obtained from marijuana.”

Monday, January 12, 2015

Don’t be Caught Short: Medical Marijuana Supplies

Medical marijuana has been legal in several states already and one of the overwhelming trends noticed is that demand often outstrips supply. This can be troubling for those who need their regular puff of medical marijuana to keep themselves pain-free. Here are a couple of things you can do to ensure your stash is never empty:

Friday, January 9, 2015

Weed As Pain Reliever

Numerous states have already legalized medical marijuana and its numerous effects on the human body have been found to be undeniably powerful. One of the main reasons why people seek prescription for the drug is to deal with chronic pain. Other common uses, according to the Food and Drug Administration, would be for treatment of nausea and loss of appetite.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Take the Pain Away With these Alternative Options

Chronic pain is a burden for many people. This can be because of medical conditions like lower back pain or even medical treatments like chemotherapy. Most of the time, these aches and pains can be dealt with via the use of commercial painkillers. However, sometimes, a person isn't able to use them or have access to them. If that's the situation, then there are several options that these people can turn to: